Tag: practice management

How Expensive is Your Medication?

A recent report on Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) highlights the issue of prescription drug “sticker shock” experienced by patients picking up prescriptions. Without knowing in advance what the prescription would cost, or whether or not it would…

Can A Healthy Diet Replace Prescription Drugs?

When it comes to illness, diet and lifestyle are often seen as prevention efforts, whereas drugs and medicine are seen as cures. However, recent reports have been suggesting that lifestyle changes, such as changes in diet, can not…

Counterfeit Drugs: Doctors Discuss Potential Threat

The World Health Organization reported that about 10 percent of all medications in low and middle income countries are substandard or completely fake. These medications can range from vaccines, to cancer drugs, to contraceptives, and WHO estimates…

Sermo partners with Software Advice

As a world leader in physician market research, Sermo perpetually surveys its online community of doctors on a range of topics. The valuable insights provided by doctors’ contributions to these surveys help inform articles, resources,…

Lack of Awareness Around Telehealth

According to a recent Software Advice survey, patients are very interested in telemedicine and use it as a metric to select their physicians. Software Advice asked 400 patients about their interest in video conferencing as…