Sermo recently shared new poll data concerning difficult conversations between doctors and patients. Details about the polls included can be found below, and the full release can be read here.
Do you feel comfortable recommending that patients lose weight?
- 92% – Yes
- 8% – No

Margin of Error: ±2%
Sample Size: 3809
Fielded: December 2016
Respondent Countries: Argentina, Austria, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Denmark, Ecuador, Spain, Finland, France, the U.K., Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, the U.S., and Venezuela.
The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all adults be screened for depression. Do you feel comfortable discussing mental health issues with all of your adult patients?
- 73% – Yes
- 27% – No

Margin of Error: ±4%
Sample Size: 879
Fielded: December 2016
Respondent Countries: Argentina, Austria, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, the U.K., Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, the U.S., and Venezuela.
I believe most of my patients are honest with me when discussing…
- 23% – Tobacco use
- 19% – Eating & exercise habits
- 13% – Alcohol use
- 13% – Sexual history
- 10% – Drug use
- 4% – Domestic abuse
- 18% – None of the above

Margin of Error: ±3%
Sample Size: 3227
Fielded: December 2016
Respondent Countries: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Spain, Finland, France, the U.K., Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, the U.S., and Venezuela.
Methodology: These polls were served to members of the Sermo social network. Invitations are on site, and members are often invited to participate via email newsletters. The studies are blind, and the results are only shared in aggregate in the community after fielding has closed. There were no cash incentives provided for answering these survey. Doctors self-selected if they would like to participate.
Sermo is the leading global social network for physicians – the world’s largest virtual doctors’ lounge, where hundreds of thousands of fully verified and licensed global physicians anonymously talk real-world medicine, collectively solve cases, respond to healthcare polls, and earn honorarium from surveys. Sermo is also the world’s largest health care professional (HCP) polling company, conducting 700,000 surveys per year. The Sermo platform is composed of two million HCPs from 80 countries, and includes the largest U.S. physician panel in existence: over 800,000 doctors who represent more than 80 percent of the U.S. physician population. By giving doctors a private and trusted platform for open dialogue with international colleagues, and by presenting more opportunities to engage with and learn from global HCPs, Sermo is revolutionizing real-world medicine. Learn more at