Tag: patient

Doctors Are Being Threatened For Not Giving Opioids

With the opioid crisis in full swing, people are quick to blame physicians for the escalating opioid abuse. In response to this blame, physicians started curtailing opioid prescriptions, and changing other behaviors as well. Unfortunately,…

Should Opioid Addicts Continue Suboxone in Jail?

Suboxone is a medication used to treat opioid dependence. It’s considered a “partial opioid agonist,” which means it produces a milder form of the opioid effects without getting the user high. Many clinical trials have…

Are Doctors As Rich as We Think?

“I realize that physicians are low hanging fruit, and given the public perception of physicians as “rich” we make convenient targets for the torches-and-pitchforks crowd.” – Pathology Doctors are often one of the first professions…

Talc & Cancer: Sermo Doctors Spill Their Opinion

Recently, Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay $417 million dollars to a woman who says she developed ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder, bringing renewed attention to the safety of.talc,…

Puberty Blockers For a Transgender Minor?

Rights and policies around transgender issues has become a louder conversation in recent years, a conversation in which Sermo physicians have actively participated. While awareness has drastically increased around what it means to be a…