Tag: physicians

Talc & Cancer: Sermo Doctors Spill Their Opinion

Recently, Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay $417 million dollars to a woman who says she developed ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder, bringing renewed attention to the safety of.talc,…

How Much Does A Doctor Exercise?

Doctors always emphasize to their patients the importance of exercise: We’ve all heard from our doctors that we should get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. It’s considered an effective form of…

Doctor, Does High-School Start Too Early?

When it comes to picking the optimal start time for secondary schools, there has been a significant amount of debate. On one hand, widespread adolescent sleep deprivation and the importance of sleep on the developing…

In the Wake of an Emergency, Doctors Will Be There

Lately it seems like there has been an endless stream of bad news, from natural disasters to horrific displays of human violence against others humans. However, during    times of extreme crises, boundaries and divisions between people…

Puberty Blockers For a Transgender Minor?

Rights and policies around transgender issues has become a louder conversation in recent years, a conversation in which Sermo physicians have actively participated. While awareness has drastically increased around what it means to be a…

Plastic Surgery: Quality of Life and Vanity

While surgical reconstruction to restore proper form and function to the body is widely accepted in the medical community, some physicians struggle to find empathy for patients undergoing elective plastic surgery procedures. Many physicians equated…

Physicians weigh in on breast implant safety

Sermo physicians have previously debated the safety of different types of breast implants, dissecting the risks associated with silicone gel breast implants and saline implants, and detailing horrifying patient accounts of toxic mold/bacteria in or…