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Doctors’ Most Frequently Repeated Advice

With the New Year in full swing, many people often reflect on their past year, specifically the events that stood out to them most. In the spirit of reflection, we asked physicians…

What was your most repeated advice to patients in 2017?

“STOP SMOKING!” – General Surgery

“Antibiotics are not needed for head colds.”  – Family Medicine

“To diabetic and obese patients: a low carb diet is your friend.”  – Family Medicine

“You need to pay for medical care just like you pay for your car, groceries and mortgage. The right to items and services provided by other human beings does not mean you do not have to pay for it!”  – Internal Medicine 

“Eat less. Exercise more.”  – Family Medicine 

“Avoid alcohol.” – Family Medicine

In 2018, think about your doctor’s sanity… and try to comply with their advice for a healthy lifestyle for a healthy year!!

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