As the serological data around the globe starts to trickle in, early results reveal the actual number of Covid-19 cases could be 10 times more than the confirmed number. Sermo physicians, like the rest of the world, are conflicted over what this means and what lies ahead…
According to a poll of more than 1,000 Sermo physicians, they are split down the middle regarding the reliability of the antibody tests—44% believe they are reliable, and 43% believe they are not reliable. Only 42% have received any serological data, while 57% are still in the dark. When comparing this pandemic to the flu, 52% believe the data proves Covid-19 is significantly more contagious than the flu; but many are waiting to see more results before deciding.
As for the future, 77% of Sermo physicians in the poll believe a person who contracts Covid-19 will gain immunity, at least in the short term. That said, 81% fear we are still a far cry from herd immunity and returning to life as normal.
Here’s a sample of the 150+ comments on the serology topic by Sermo physicians…